Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Strawberry cupcakes

..so, a few weeks ago, my schedule was too busy to find a night to cook supper, but i did find time to bake. when i was with my cousin,
 (Jo is my twin cousin because
we were born on the exact same day! crazy, right?) 

she had made these amazing strawberry cupcakes. so i of course asked her for the recipe.  i was surprised how easy it was to do. thanks for the recipe, Jo!

Strawberry Cupcakes

1 box mix of strawberry cake and the ingredients needed to make it.
strawberry jam
6oz. of strawberry yogurt
8oz. of frozen cool whip thawed

Follow the instructions on the back of the box, but before you bake them...

Put a spoonful of jam into the center of each cupcake. Then bake as instructed.

Cool cupcakes.

After the cupcakes have cooled, fold the yogurt into the cool whip and then ice the cupcakes.

top with some strawberries and keep the cupcakes refrigerated.


  1. MmmmMMMmmmmmmM These look real good! Don't forget you're supposed to come over sometime and cook with us! :)

    1. oh not to worry, i have not forgotten! i will have to talk to steven and figure out some dates that we're both free.
