Monday, October 1, 2012

Grilled Cilantro-Lime Chicken with Avocado Salsa

So a few Tuesday nights ago…okay, so really it was more like a few Monday nights ago... I was perusing around online, trying to come up with a new recipe for my Tuesday night dinner. I ended up on my cousin Rebecca’s blog, What's for Meat ? And her latest entry was for Grilled Cilantro-Lime Chicken with Avocado Salsa.(Click here for recipe) Now it just so happened that we had an avocado sitting in our fridge. This is a rarity as our local IGA does not usually carry them, and when they do, they aren’t too good. But this one, I think, was from Wal-Mart. I immediately asked my mom if anyone had dibs on the avocado in the fridge (this is how it works when you have such a rarity as an avocado). she said no, so I went and put a sticky note on it saying it was mine and to back off! Seriously, I did. So the next night my family and I sat down to a delicious meal of Grilled Cilantro-Lime Chicken with Avocado Salsa. It was soo good!

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